Listing categories let you easily organize your listings. By assigning each listing to a specific category that you create, you can quickly sort and locate listings.

Get Started

To create a listing category, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit your Settings page.
  2. Select the “Categories” tab - this is where you’ll find a list of all your listing categories.
  3. Click the “Create” button beside the searchbar.
  4. Give your new listing category a name and click on “Save & Publish”.

Managing Categories

To manage your categories, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit your Settings page.
  2. Select the “Categories” tab - this is where you’ll find a list of all your listing categories.
  3. Search for and click on the category you’re looking for.
  4. Change the category’s name or delete it.
  5. Once done, click on “Save & Publish” to save your changes.
Changes to a listing category will apply to all listings that are currently assigned to it.